James Gallagher has hosted Collage Workshops at NYC arts venues such as Happy Medium, The Painting School, Hot House, and Artist & Craftsman, as well as NYC’s High School of Fasion Industries, and The Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. Wether you’re an experienced artist or an absolute beginner, these Collage Workshops are sure to inspire you and expand your understanding of this age-old medium. The courses begins with an overview of the history of collage, where important work from the past to present day are showcased in order to ignite creativity and generate ideas. After a brief demo of tools and techniques participants begin to create their own works of art in a fun and relaxed setting. The instructor will be working alongside the group providing examples and suggestions, as well as giving individual feedback and encouragement. The session typically ends with a group show-and-tell where everyone can see the wide range of styles and surprising results that make collage such an exciting and powerful medium.

Collage Workshops include:

Participants experiment with form, composition, and style to create their own uniquely personal visions.

Participants select objects (vessels, flowers, fruit, etc) as subject matter to create their own still life collage.

Participants collage portraits, be it of themselves, of each other, or from photographs.

Participants bring personal imagery and imagination to create vision boards and scrapbooks.

Please email James if you’re interested in attending or hosting a session. 

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